In addition to HOPE's role convening the homeless system, we also operate programs that lead people who are living unhoused and in emergency shelters to the agencies who provide housing.
Housing is the goal of every HOPE program.
Street Outreach Team
Locates those living in homeless camps, abandoned buildings, cars, under bridges, etc.
Creates relationships based on trust
Assists unhoused people with access into treatment services such as health care, mental health, and/or substance abuse
Assists unhoused people with access to shelters and permanent housing
Solid Ground Safe Haven
Low restrictions shelter for 37 unhoused individuals dealing with chronic health conditions, untreated mental illness, active addiction, criminal history, no income, trauma, and more
Allows residents to relearn Activities of Daily Living and access treatment services such as health care, mental health, and/or substance abuse
Provides day services to unhoused individuals to do laundry, take showers, and access the same referrals as Safe Haven residents
37 semi-private cubicles
Low-barrier environment
Problem solving case management
A caring, nurturing environment
Coordinated Assessment Program
All programs lead to Coordinated Assessment where housing referrals are made based on vulnerability
Provides screening, assessments, and verification of circumstances for anyone living unhoused or in emergency shelter
Makes targeted referrals for permanent affordable, subsidized, or supportive housing
Ensures that housing meets the client's need for support and length of assistance